Wednesday 28 May 2008

Wolfgang Puck - Wolfgang To Sue Namesake Over Steakhouse

Celebrity chef WOLFGANG PUCK has accused a fellow restaurateur of cashing in on his fame by using his name to open a rival eatery - even though the other cook is also called WOLFGANG.

Puck, who owns a series of restaurants under his business name Wolfgang Puck Companies, is threatening to file a lawsuit against Wolfgang Zwiener, who he claims has copied his trademark name.

Zwiener has opened a rival restaurant called Wolfgang's Steakhouse, just blocks from Puck's Spago eatery in Beverly Hills, California.

According to website, one of the owners of Wolfgang's Steakhouse had a license to use the trademarked name, but that expired last year (07).

And Puck is furious his name is frequently being linked to a restaurant which has nothing to do with him - because it confuses his regular customers.

He says, "The most common reaction is, 'It says Wolfgang's Steakhouse and you are Wolfgang.'"

If Puck does goes through with the lawsuit, he plans to claim damages for trademark infringement and unfair competition.

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